Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Facebook Hambat Perkembangan Verbal

Akhir-akhir ini masyarakat kita dilanda demam facebook. Lihat saja, di sini di sana kesini kemari, laptop dan komputer mereka dijejali oleh situs ini. Sebenarnya apa sih facebook itu sehingga popularitasnya begitu meningkat di kalangan masyarakat? Facebook adalah layanan yang membantu anda terhubung dengan orang-orang lain di sekitar anda. Bener nggak sih?

Facebook syndrome atau kecanduan facebook sudah menjangkiti sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia negara kita tercinta termasuk saya. Jujur saya mendapat pusing di sekitar kepala sekitar beberapa menitan setelah berhadapan dengan komputer yang menampilkan display facebook. Kalau tidak begitu, bila saya melihat teman saya yang mengajak bicara saya setelah saya ber-facebook ria, rasanya seperti piye-piye... ngono lo. Mau menjawab yo belum karuan disebut sempurna. Apalagi, makna yang sebenarnya ingin disampaian malah sama sekali tidak ter-throw in. Padahal ini komunikasi langsung. Mata ke mata. Bahkan, jika main facebook-nya sudah terlalu over, mendengar suara teman saya saja harus diiulang dua kali. Benar, minta diulang. Ente pernah nggak? Kalau sudah level yang seperti ini, foul jadinya. Harus di-freekick. Tapi jangan di-kickoff.

Otak kita secara garis besar terbagi menjadi tiga bagian, otak besar (serebrum), otak kecil (serebrum), dan otak tengah (mesensefalon). Ketika kita sedang membaca, memperhatikan, dan menelaah, yang bekerja itu otak besar, lebih khususnya lobus parietalis yang sekaligus berfungsi sebagai pusat motoris gerak sadar. Di depan lobus parietalis itu ada yang namanya lobus temporalis yang berfungsi untuk pendengaran. Nah, di sinilah, bila lobus parietalis terlalu sering digunakan atau konsentrasi berpihak pada lobus parietalis, maka kerja lobus temporalis akan kacau. Padahal lobus temporalis berfungsi pada pendengaran. Itulah mengapa jika kita terlalu lama ber-facebook maka pendengaran akan sedikit terganggu, begitu juga dengan berbicara, yang letak koordinasinya juga tidak jauh dari lobus parietalis. Gangguan ini tidak hanya terjadi ketika bermain facebook tetapi kegiatan yang intinya membaca juga dapat menyebabkan kejadian seperti ini. Wallahu a'lam.

Referensi : Seribu Pena Biologi 3 SMP

Waduh, Bahasa Inggris Saya ANCUR!!


Kroks. Wah kapok saya selama ini posting blog pake bahasa Inggris. Mangkele pol! Saya kira bahasa Inggris saya bagus-bagus saja... eh rupanya hancur berantakan. Saya sadar sekarang.

Kejadian ini bermula ketika kelkom PA kemarin (12/11). Pertama kali saya iseng mau ngecek statistik blog. Sudah berbeda jauh rupanya, dibandingkan dengan satu dua bulan yang lalu. Pengunjungnya pun meningkat. Tak hanya "manusia-manusia" lokal, tetapi juga bule berkulit bulu babi. Hasil yang saya baca, pengunjung ada yang dari Amerika, Kanada, Spanyol, dan satu orang Mesir. Pikirku, ngapain mereka sudi buka blog ini, kesasar kali ya? Atau jangan-jangan hanya kesasar di luasnya hutan belantara dunia maya yang tak terhingga batasnya sampai akhir masa? (lebay)

Intinya saya simpulkan bahwa mulai sekarang insya Allah saya tidak nulis inggris-inggrisan lagi. Malu ah, grammar jelek, kosakata bobrok, kalimat nggak karuan. Akhirnya saya tobat dari semua itu dan menuju kembali ke jalan yang benar... Shadaqallaahul 'adziiimm.

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Letter from Mount Merapi


I live in the Solo, the city where located about 40 kms to the east from the crater of Mount Merapi. I stayed more specifically in Assalaam Islamic Boarding School.

No something wanted I write, no something wanted I say. I just wanted to tell the atmosphere and conditions at locations around here. Every morning and every night we saw a lumpy cloud in the sky of west. Fortunately, no lava reach until this area. The streets of Solo city crowded as usual, but unlike Jogja city (20 km radius of Merapi), which until now paralyzed because the eruption of Merapi. The shops of Jogja were quiet, schools and universities were closed, tourist attractions and souvenirs were stopped. Sometimes I heard the news Merapi erupts, then I also feel the impact. Solo city streets affected by volcanic ash and looked white.

Often we hear the safe Merapi safe area widened from the radius of 10 to 15 kms, from 15 to 20 kms, but thank Allah we do not get the news up to 40 kms. Hopefully Allah saved us by His power.

Maybe just like this. Probably no something I'll write again.


d'Massiv - Sudahi Perih Ini

Favorite songs. You can sing it in the room, in the class, on the road, or in the bathroom. Soft music, slow nuanced, beautiful and can be enjoyed at everytime. So, what will you do? Come on! Sit, listen and enjoy.

Monday, September 06, 2010


His full name is Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khawarizmi. He is an expert in mathematics, astronomy, astrology, and geography from Persian. Born in 780 at Khawarizm (now Khiva, Uzbekistan) and died around the year 850. Throughout his life he used to work almost as a lecturer at the School of Honor in Baghdad, which was founded by the Khalifah Bani Abbasiyah al-Ma'mun. Birth is the Zoroastrian religion, but the algebra book he shows that he is a Moslem. Can be concluded that he Zoroastrian religion when young and turn to Islam afterwards.

His first book, entitled al-Jabru wal Muqabalah is the first book that discussed the linear and quadratic notation. Because his book is he dubbed the Father of Algebra. Algebra comes from al-jabru, one of the two operations used to solve quadratic notation, which is listed in his book. While the algorithm derived from the word algorismi, which is also absorbed latinization of his name. His name in Spanish became guarismo, too absorbed in the Portuguese became algorismo which in English, digits. 

Al-Jabru wal Muqobalah is the first mathematical book written in 830. Al-jabru means completion, meaning the process of completing math notation in question. While al-muqobalah means balancing, which means the adjustment of mathematical notation becomes simpler. As the following examples.

                                     2x + 4 = 10

                                     2x + 4 = 6 + 4          AL-JABRU PROCESS

                                     2x + 4 = 6 + 4          AL-JABRU PROCESS

                                           2x = 6

                                      2x : 2 = 6 : 2            AL-MUQOBALAH PROCESS

                                             x = 3                 DONE

Other books that he created are still a lot like Dixit Algorizmi that has lost the Arabic version, Kitabu Surotil Ardhi (Appearance Book World) who spoke about the forerunner of the planetarium, Zijush Shindhid (Astronomical Tables), which consists of the symbols on astronomical calculations. However, due to limitations of science so I end in here.

Good work!

Mind Breaker

That given a circle which has diameter 5.5 cm. If RP is a diameter, O is the central of circle, AS = 1.1 cm, and OABC is a rectangle. So how long is AC? (Mahir Olympiade Matematika SMA, 2008)

Sunday, September 05, 2010

About Scientific Journal

What is a scientific journal? Here's an excerpt from wikipedia.org.

Scientific journals is one type of academic journals where authors publish scientific articles. To ensure the scientific quality of published articles, an ordinary article is investigated by his colleagues and revised by the author, this is known as peer review.

There are a variety of scholarly journals covering all fields of science, social sciences and humanities as well. Publishing in the form of scientific articles are usually more important to the field of natural science and medicine compared with other academic fields.

Prof. Adnan said: "Every morning professor issued a journal to be published in the form of articles. Did you export your journal this morning?" Suddenly I was shocked. Hah? Every morning? I conclude that the knowledge of every professor was a very broad. He also said, "Professor who has not issued a journal every morning that professors who are not qualified." Well, I was indecisive. Approximately there are no opportunities, can I be a professor a few tens of years?

Therefore, from now I tried to write every morning, even though what I know not as much as. "Get ready to become a professor" I thought. But when it is digested more deeply, there are fortunately writing like this every morning. Writing souls will grow from now and will certainly sharpen the brain to keep walking and walking, not just vacuum on the spot. The idea will seem very easy to dig. Supplement from him again, "Write whatever it is!"

Now after input from Prof. Adnan, I will try and try to write from now on every morning, although not very scientific. Insha Allah and Mercy permission of whom hopefully I given istiqomah in writing. Ameen.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Looking Back of Persebaya Supporter : BONEK

Do you know bonek? What a pity you are if not understand of this one!

Bonek actually is a football supporters' club Persebaya Surabaya, who was so fanatical, they have the heart to do casual, damaging facilities, public infrastructure, which I think is absolutely DOESN'T have something to do with the teams they support. Instead they actually harm the parties who are not chimed in with their goals at all, such as PT. KAI (Kereta Api Indonesia) is willing to sacrifice money approximately Rp1 billion just to swallow the acts of immoral of bonekmania.

Bonek, I think their goal is to support their favorite team, Persebaya Surabaya, which was stood by Paijo and M. Pamoedji on June 18, 1927. Origins, Persebaya named Soerabhaiasche Indonesische Voetbal Bond (SIVB). At that time there was a club in Surabaya also called Sorabaiasche Voebal Bond (SVB), this club was stood in 1910 and its players are Dutch people in Surabaya.

As the people of Surabaya, not that I do not support my own hometown football. But if the fans and players as well as other actors are like this (see picture), I do not support a football town, in fact I think the Indonesian football is better omitted, or must be given to the law on the prohibition of football. Because it would harm job, when what they hope is their idol team win, but on the contrary that has and will happen: the stadium on fire, robbery at the station and the streets, throwing fights among people with Bonek, loss of train fan, breaking train glass caused with residents throwing fights, deaths caused brawl of Bonek lives, not to mention the trauma the people when meeting fans this green one. Disgrace Indonesia ONLY! Embarrassed about it! in front of the another country people. They will appear shadow Indonesian football is violent and not competitive. Not to mention the notion that Indonesia is a violent country (actually no), a result of the chaotic football.

Is this Indonesian football? Does this mirror the habits of life of the Indonesian nation full of morals and culture? Until when we are humiliated by people of other countries just because violent of football?

But behind all that, I'm sure there's a solution. We can only hope just hope this country becomes a peaceful football again. We can only pray for him, hopefully to Indonesian football is a big contribution to the country of Indonesia. I'm sure a few more years Indonesian footballer seeds will mature so that fans do not have to bother too fanatical. Greetings sports!

Friday, April 09, 2010

Mengungkap Misteri Segitiga Bermuda

Segitiga Bermuda (bahasa Inggris: Bermuda Triangle), terkadang disebut juga Segitiga Setan adalah sebuah wilayah lautan di Samudra Atlantik seluas 1,5 juta mil2 atau 4 juta km2 yang membentuk garis segitiga antara Bermuda, wilayah teritorial Britania Raya sebagai titik di sebelah utara, Puerto Riko, teritorial Amerika Serikat sebagai titik di sebelah selatan dan Miami, negara bagian Florida, Amerika Serikat sebagai titik di sebelah barat.
Segitiga bermuda sangat misterius. Sering ada isu paranormal di daerah tersebut yang menyatakan alasan dari peristiwa hilangnya kapal yang melintas. Ada pula yang mengatakan bahwa sudah menjadi gejala alam bahwa tidak boleh melintasi wilayah tersebut. Bahkan ada pula yang mengatakan bahwa itu semua akibat ulah makhluk luar angkasa.

Sejarah awal

Pada masa pelayaran Christopher Colombus, ketika melintasi area segitiga Bermuda, salah satu awak kapalnya mengatakan melihat “cahaya aneh berkemilau di cakrawala”. Beberapa orang mengatakan telah mengamati sesuatu seperti meteor. Dalam catatannya ia menulis bahwa peralatan navigasi tidak berfungsi dengan baik selama berada di area tersebut.
Berbagai peristiwa kehilangan di area tersebut pertama kali didokumentasikan pada tahun 1951 oleh E.V.W. Jones dari majalah Associated Press. Jones menulis artikel mengenai peristiwa kehilangan misterius yang menimpa kapal terbang dan laut di area tersebut dan menyebutnya ‘Segitiga Setan’. Hal tersebut diungkit kembali pada tahun berikutnya oleh Fate Magazine dengan artikel yang dibuat George X. Tahun 1964, Vincent Geddis menyebut area tersebut sebagai ‘Segitiga Bermuda yang mematikan’, setelah istilah ‘Segitiga Bermuda’ menjadi istilah yang biasa disebut. Segitiga bermuda merupakan suatu tempat dimana di dasar laut tersebut terdapat sebuah piramid besar mungkin lebih besar dari piramid yang ada di Kairo Mesir. Piramid tersebut mempunyai jarak antara ujung piramid dan permukaan laut sekitar 500 m,di ujung piramid trsebut terdapat dua rongga lubang lebih besar.

Penjelasan beberapa sumber

Berikut adalah penjelasan dari beberapa narasumber yang menyatakan keanehan Segitiga Bermuda bahwa di sana terdapat gas methan, dianggap kapal yang hilang di sana telah melampaui batas kargo, Pangkalan UFO, tempat berkumpulnya para setan golongan Jin (Istana Setan) dan ada yang mengatakan bahwa di sanalah terletak telaga "Air Kehidupan" yang sanggup membuat awet muda dan panjang umur.

Muatan berlebih

Perusahaan asuransi laut Lloyd's of London menyatakan bahwa segitiga bermuda bukanlah lautan yang berbahaya dan sama seperti lautan biasa di seluruh dunia, asalkan tidak membawa angkutan melebihi ketentuan ketika melalui wilayah tersebut. Penjaga pantai mengkonfirmasi keputusan tersebut. Penjelasan tersebut dianggap masuk akal, ditambah dengan sejumlah pengamatan dan penyelidikan kasus.


Monday, March 01, 2010


Alhamdulillah... akhirnya selesai bisa buat blog. Maklumlah baru belajar. Blog ini tak buat pas pelajaran TIK Hari Sabtu jam ke 1-2 pas masih kelas IX Akselerasi. Bentar lagi ujian soalnya nih tepatnya besok Sabtu... tak sempet-sempetin ngisi postingan di blogku untuk pertama kalinya. Bagi para pengunjung mungkin kalau blog ini masih jelek gak apa-apa yah, namanya aja masih belajar. Daripada nganggur yuk mendingan dengerin yang satu ini lo.. enak, lembut, n nyaman. Murottal yang gue rasa bagus n cocok sama aq...